News & Achievement

Aug. 2024

Yong-Jin Park won the best poster presentation award in iMiD 2024, Jeju.
Hyejin Lee won the best poster presentation award in KJF-ICOMEP 2024, Busan.
Yun Goo Ro won a NRF fellowship. (박사후국내연수)
Seungjae Lee won the silver prize in iMiD 2024, Jeju.


July. 2024

Prof. Ko has been appointed as ACS Top Contributor by American Chemical Society.
Sangyun Na won the ACS best poster award in Nano Korea 2024.


June. 2024

Hyejin Lee won a NRF fellowship (박사과정생연구장려금).
Min Sub Kwak won a NRF fellowship (박사과정생연구장려금).
Jeeyoon Kim won the best poster presentation award in GCIM, Jeju.


April. 2024

Hyejin Lee won the best poster presentation award in KIChE, Jeju.


March. 2024

Geonyoung Jung won the best poster presentation award in KFPE, Busan.


November. 2023

Jeeyoon Kim won a silver award in ICAE 2023, Jeju.


October. 2023

Jeeyoon Kim won the best poster presentation award in the Annual Fall Meeting, The Polymer Society of Korea.


August. 2023

Yong-Jin Park won the best poster presentation award in iMiD 2023, Busan.


April. 2023

Geonyoung Jung won the best poster presentation award in KFPE, Yeosu.
Seungjae Lee won the best poster presentation award in KICHE, Busan.
Yong-Jin Park won the best poster award in MRS 2023 Spring Meeting, San Francisco.
Seungjae Lee won the best poster presentation award in the Annual Spring Meeting, The Polymer Society of Korea.
Geonyoung Jung won the best poster presentation award in the Annual Spring Meeting, The Polymer Society of Korea.
Yong-Jin Park won the best poster presentation award in the Annual Spring Meeting, The Polymer Society of Korea.


November. 2022

Yong-Jin Park won the best poster presentation award in ENGE 2022, Jeju.


September. 2022

Jinyoung Kim won a NRF fellowship. (박사후국내연수)


August. 2022

Dong-hee Kang won the best poster presentation award in iMiD 2022, Busan.
Hyejin Lee won the best poster presentation award in iMiD 2022, Busan.

May. 2022

Jinyoung Kim won the best poster award in MRS2022 Spring Meeting, Hawaii.
Sangyun Na won a NRF Fellowship. (이공계열 학문후속세대 장학금).
Jeonghee Yeom won the best poster award in MRS2022 Spring Meeting, Hawaii.


Apr. 2022

Dong-hee Kang won the best poster presentation award in the Annual Spring Meeting, The Polymer Society of Korea.
Hyejin Lee won the best poster presentation award in the Annual Spring Meeting, The Polymer Society of Korea.


Feb. 2022

Sangyun Na won a participation award in the 28th HumanTech Paper Award sponsored by Samsung Electronics.


Nov. 2021

Jeonghee Yeom won the best poster presentation award in ICAE 2021.


Oct. 2021

Jinyoung Kim won the best poster presentation award in IUMRS-ICA 2021.
Young-Ryul Kim won the best poster presentation award in IUMRS-ICA 2021.


Jun. 2021 

Haryeong Cho won a NRF fellowship (박사과정생연구장려금).


Dec. 2020 

Young-Eun Shin won Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST.


Nov. 2020 

Young-Eun Shin won Best Poster Presentation Award in The 12th A-COE, Asian Conference on Organic Electronics.


Sept. 2019 

Youngoh Lee won a NRF fellowship (박사후국내연수).


Jul. 2020 

Jeonghee Yeom won the best poster award in Nano Korea 2020 the 18th International Nanotech Symposium.


Jun. 2020 

Young-Ryul Kim won a NRF fellowship (박사과정생연구장려금).


Sept. 2019 

Jinyoung Kim won a NRF fellowship (박사과정생연구장려금).
Seungse Cho won a NRF fellowship (박사과정생연구장려금).


Nov. 2018

Youngoh Lee won the best poster award in ENGE 2018.
Youngoh Lee is being recognized for 2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Excellence given by the department of Energy Engineering of UNIST.
Minjeong Ha is being recognized for 2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Excellence given by the department of Energy Engineering of UNIST.
Seongdong Lim is being recognized for 2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Award given by the department of Energy Engineering of UNIST.


Oct. 2018

Jeonghee Yeom won the best oral presentation award in 2018 Fall Polymer Society of Korea.
Minjeong Ha won the WISET-PSK Young Researcher Award in 2018 Fall Polymer Society Korea.


Sept. 2018

Prof. Ko has been appointed as “Rising-Star Distinguished Professor” by UNIST.


Aug. 2018

Seungyoung Park won the best poster presentation award in IUMRS-ICEM 2018.


July 2018

Ayoung Choe won the best poster award (gold medal) in Nano Korea 2018.


June 2018

Minjeong Ha won a Young Scientist Award (Oral Presentation) in 2018 E-MRS spring meeting (Symposium S)
Seongdong Lim won a Young Scientist Award (Oral Presentation) in 2018 E-MRS spring meeting (Symposium W)
Youngsu Lee won a Best Poster Presentation Award in 2018 E-MRS spring meeting (Symposium V)


Jan. 2018

Minjeong Ha won a bronze award in the 24th HumanTech Paper Award sponserord by Samsung Electronics.
Jonghwa Park won a bronze award in the 24th HumanTech Paper Award sponserord by Samsung Electronics.


Oct. 2017

Minjeong Ha received the Best Oral Presentation Award in 2017 Fall Polymeer Society of Korea


Aug. 2016

Hochan Lee received the Outstanding Poster Paper Award in The 16th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2016).


May 2016

Minjeong Ha received the Best Oral Presentation Award in 2016 Spring meeting of Materials Research Society of Korea.


Mar. 2016

Youngoh Lee won a Best Award in the 2016 MRS spring meeting.


Jan. 2016

Seongdong Lim won a bronze award in the 22nd HumanTech Paper Award sponserord by Samsung Electronics.
Minjeong Ha received the best poster award at the 9th International Symposium n Nature-Inspired Technology.


Dec. 2015

Saewon Kang received the outstanding graduate student award presented by the Energy and Chemical Engineering Department of UNIST.
Minjeong Ha received the outstanding graduate student award presented by the Energy and Chemical Engineering Department of UNIST.


Nov. 2015

Our work was highlighted in the KBS, SBS, YTN News.


Jul. 2015

Minjeong Ha received UNIST Nine Bridge Fellowship.


Jun. 2015

Youngoh Lee received the Global Ph.D Fellowship provided by the National Research Foundation of Korea.


Apr. 2015

Minjeong Ha received an excellent paper presentation award in category of oral presentation at 2015 spring polymer society of Korea.


Feb. 2015

Minjeong Ha won a gold award in the 22nd HumanTech Paper Award sponserord by Samsung Electronics.


Dec. 2014

Touch Sensors Detect Bending, Stretching and Twisting“, Chemical & Engineering News
New ‘Electronic skin’ for prosthetics and robotics detects prssure form different directions“, ACS PressPac
Our paper about electronic skins published in ACS Nano were highlighted in the following media.
Guardian, Voice of Ameriac, ScienceDaily, PhysOrg, Nanowerk, Nanotechnology Now, Eurekalert, R&D magazine, Esciencenews, Healio, Softpedia, Robotics Trends, Crazy Engineers, Asian Scientist, Space Daily, Laboratory Equipment


May 2011

노벨상 기대 ‘우수 신진연구원’ 16명 선정“, 한국대학신문.

신진연구자지원사업 UNIST 교수 2명 선정“, 울산신문.



저전력·초고속 트랜지스터 제조 기술개발“, KBS 뉴스광장.

소형 전자기기, 장시간 사용 길 열었다“, YTN 사이언스

韓·美·中 연구팀 ‘새로운 반도체’ 개발“, 조선일보.

스마트폰 전력 10분의 1로 줄이는 트랜지스터 개발“, 동아일보.

UNIST 고현협 교수팀 고성능 나노 트랜지스터 개발“, 매일경제.

1/10 전력으로 5배 빠른 트랜지스터 개발“, 한겨레.

차세대 초고속 트랜지스터 제조기술 개발…울산과기대 고현협 교수“, 국민일보.

고현협 교수, 저전력·초고속 트랜지스터 제조기술 개발“, 파이낸셜뉴스.

화합물반도체 트랜지스터 양산기술 개발“, 디지털타임스.

저전력·초고속 트랜지스터 기술개발“, 세계일보.

초고속 저전력 고성능 트랜지스터 개발“, 한국일보.

울산과기대-UC버클리, 고성능 트랜지스터 제조기술 개발“, 매일경제.

전자이동 속도 5배 높인 나노 트랜지스터“, 한국경제.

저전력 · 초고속 트랜지스터 제조 기술 개발“, 전자신문.

스마트폰 더 오래 쓴다…저전력 트랜지스터 기술 개발“, 노컷뉴스.

속도 2배 이상-전력소비 1/10 …국내 연구진 차세대 반도체 개발“, 헤럴드경제.

저전력ㆍ초고속 트랜지스터 제조 기술 개발“, 서울경제.

국내 연구진, 차세대 초고속 전자소자 제조 기술 개발“, 아시아경제.

울산과기대 고현협 교수, 고성능 나노 트랜지스터 제조기술 개발“, 국제신문.

계란 잡는 촉감까지 전달 ‘인공 피부’ 나왔다“, 조선일보.Sept. 2010.

사람 촉각 그대로… 인공피부 개발“, KBS World.


July 2010

The opening of Ko Lab at UNIST.